Project publications
- Pollock, Susan, Reinhard Bernbeck and Birgül Öğüt, eds. 2019. Looking Closely. Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010-2014, Volume I. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Eger, Jana. 2022. Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe. Eine Analyse des sozialen Zusammenlebens in einer neolithisch-äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan. Monjukli Depe Volume 2. Leiden: Sidestone.
Excavation Reports
- Pollock, Susan, Reinhard Bernbeck, Norbert Benecke, Gabriela Castro Gessner, Małgorzata Daszkiewicz, Jana Eger, Arnica Keßeler, Naomi F. Miller, Melody Pope, Philippa Ryan, and Peter Sturm. 2011. "Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Meana-Čaača Region, Turkmenistan, 2010." Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 43: 169–237.
- Pollock, Susan, Reinhard Bernbeck, Birgül Öğüt, Małgorzata Daszkiewicz, Jana Eger, Arnica Keßeler, Jana Rogasch, Julia Schönicke, Peter Sturm, and Kilian Teuwsen. 2013. "The Second Season of Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2011." Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 45: 51–98.
- Pollock, Susan, Reinhard Bernbeck, Brian Beckers, Norbert Benecke, Jonas Berking, Gabriela Castro Gessner, Jana Eger, and Birgül Öğüt. 2018. "Archaeological Work at Monjukli Depe: A Regional Perspective." Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 47: 1–47.
- Berking, Jonas, Brian Beckers, Tony Reimann, Susan Pollock, and Reinhard Bernbeck. 2017. "Modern Impacts on an Ancient Landscape, the Piedmont Plain in Southwest Turkmenistan." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 4 (2): e1202 doi:10.1002/wat2.1202.
- Bernbeck, Reinhard, Susan Pollock, and Birgül Öğüt. 2012. "Renewed Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Neo-Lithics 2/12: 15–19.
- Bernbeck, Reinhard, and Susan Pollock. 2016. "Scalar Differences: Temporal Rhythms and Spatial Patterns at Monjukli Depe, Southern Turkmenistan." Antiquity 90 (349): 64–80. doi:10.15184/aqy.2015.197.
- Eger, Jana, Corina Knipper, and Norbert Benecke. 2021. "Stable Isotope Evidence for Animal Husbandry Practices at Prehistoric Monjukli Depe, Southern Turkmenistan." In Archaeozoology of Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas XIII, edited by Julie Daujat Angelos Hadjikoumis, Rémi Berthon, Jwana Chahoud, Vasiliki Kassianidou, and Jean-Denis Vigne, 41-60. Atlanta: Lockwood.
- Heit, Ilia. 2021. "Uneven Horizons: Some Considerations on the Settlement History of Neolithic and Aeneolithic Sites in Southern Turkmenistan". Arkheologicheskie Vesti 32: 145–56. doi: 10.31600/1817-6976-2021-32-145-156.
- Heit, Ilia. 2023. "Children in Ruins: Abandoned Houses as Children's Places at Aeneolithic Monjukli Depe (SW Turkmenistan)". In "What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?". Essays on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of Reinhard Bernbeck, Edited by Editorial Collective, 213–24. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Heit, Ilia, und Jana Eger. 2022. "Dynamic settlement, mobile villagers? Stratigraphic record and multi-isotope analysis at Neolithic Monjukli Depe (SW Turkmenistan)". Universum Humanitarium 2 (Juli): 33–48. doi: 10.25205/2499-9997-2021-2-33-48.
- Keßeler, Arnica. 2016. "Affordanz, oder was Dinge können!" In Massendinghaltung in der Archäologie. Der material turn und die Ur- und Frühgeschichte, edited by Kerstin P. Hofmann, Thomas Meier, Doreen Mölders, and Stefan Schreiber, 343–363. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Öğüt, Birgül. 2016. "Plant Use from the Grinding Stones Viewpoint: Phytolith Analyses from Aeneolithic Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Journal of Lithic Studies 3 (3): 359–377. doi:10.2218/jls.v3i3.1509.
- Pollock, Susan and Ilia Heit. 2023. Living Amidst the Ruins: Continuities, Interruptions, and Memory in a 5th mill. BCE Village in the Kopet Dag Foothills. In From Households to Empires. Papers in Honor of Bradley J. Parker, edited by Jason Kennedy and Patrick Mullins, 63-78. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Pollock, Susan. 2023. The Affordances of Portable Containers in Early Village Societies in the Kopet Dag Region. In Containers of Change. Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia, edited by Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse, Reinhard Bernbeck and Koen Berghuis, 177-188. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Sturm, Peter. 2015. "Zwischen Dispositionen und Eigensinn. Zum Stellenwert von Raumwissen und Wissensraum im Rahmen einer archäologischen Analyse alltäglichen Handelns." In Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen, edited by Kerstin Hofmann and Stefan Schreiber, 110–126. eTopoi Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Volume 5. Berlin: Edition Topoi. doi:10.17171/5-5-8.
- Uzdurum, Melis, Julia Schönicke, Moritz Kinzel, und Marek Z. Barański. 2023. "Studying the Use of Earth in Early Architecture of Southwest and Central Asia". Open Archaeology 9 (1). doi: 10.1515/opar-2022-0321.
Dissertations and Theses
PhD Dissertations
- Eger, Jana. 2020. "Eine Analyse des Zusammenlebens zwischen Menschen und Tieren im neolithischen und äneolithischen Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." PhD dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Heit, Ilia. 2021. "Dem Wandel auf der Spur – Bau- und Wohnpraktiken im prähistorischen Kopet Dag aus einer multiskalaren Zeitperspektive." PhD dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Öğüt, Birgül. 2020. "Objektbiographien - Felssteine aus dem äneolithischen Monjukli Depe, Südturkmenistan." Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin.
MA and BA Theses
- Daitche, Julia. 2015. "Tokens aus Monjukli Depe, Südturkmenistan. " Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Daitche in Pollock et al. 2019
- Egbers, Vera. 2015. "Biographie eines Hauses im äneolithischen Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Egbers in Pollock et al. 2019
- Eger, Jana. 2013. "Studien zur Fauna des äneolithischen Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan. Kontextuelle Untersuchungen." Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Eger in Pollock et al. 2019
- Güneş, Ezel. 2019. "Miniaturisation and beads at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin
- Keßeler, Arnica. 2013. "Dinge namens Spinnwirtel, Die "Spinnwirtel" aus Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan der Kampagnen 2010 and 2011." Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Keßeler in Pollock et al. 2019
- Kubelková, Hana. 2016. "The Burning of a House in Monjukli Depe (Turkmenistan)." Unpublished Master Thesis, Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University. – see Kubelková in Pollock et al. 2019
- Rol, Nolwen. 2014. "Bestattungspraxen im Äneolithischen Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Unpublished Bachelor Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Rol in Pollock et al. 2019
- Schönicke, Julia. 2012. "Der Umgang mit Feuer im Äneolithikum Südturkmenistans am Beispiel von Monjukli Depe." Unpublished Bachelor Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Schönicke in Pollock et al. 2019
- Schönicke, Julia. 2015. "Keramik aus Monjukli Depe." Unpublished Master Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. – see Schönicke in Pollock et al. 2019
- Wolff-Heger, Lisa. 2021. "Die Kupferartefakte aus Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan." Unpublished Bachelor Thesis, Freie Universität Berlin.
Further reading
- [Berdiev, Ovlyakuli] Бердыев, Овлякули. 1972. "Монджуклы-депе – многослойное поселение неолита и раннего энеолита в южном Туркменистане." Каракумские древности 4: 11–34.
- Harris, David R. 2010. Origins of Agriculture in Western Central Asia: An Environmental-Archaeological Study. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Hiebert, Fredrik T. 2002. "The Kopet Dag Sequence of Early Villages in Central Asia. Paléorient 28(2): 25-41.
- Hiebert, Fredrik T., and Kakamurad Kurbansakhatov. 2003. A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization. Excavations at Anau, Turkmenistan. University Museum Monograph 116. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
- Kohl, Philip L. 1984. Central Asia. Paleolithic Beginnings to the Iron Age. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations.
- Masson, Vadim M., and Viktor I. Sarianidi. 1972. Central Asia. Turkmenia before the Achaemenids. Edited and translated by Ruth Tringham. Southampton: Thames and Hudson.
- Müller-Karpe, Herrmann. 1982. Neolithische Siedlungen der Dzejtun-Kultur in Süd-Turkmenistan. München: C.H. Beck.
- Pumpelly, Raphael. 1908. Explorations in Turkestan, Expedition of 1904: Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau, Origins, Growth, and Influence of Environment, Volume 1. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington.

Looking Closely, Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014, Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt
2019, Imprint: Sidestone Press.
for further publications in the Sidestone Press series on Monjukli Depe
Reinhard Bernbeck
Susan Pollock
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für
Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Fabeckstraße 23-25
14195 Berlin